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Old 2012-08-18, 16:13   Link #14
Bishoujo Game Enthusiast
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Belgium
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Archon_Wing
(Though X8 and the Zero series was rather good...)
The Zero series was great, though I think from Mega Man Zero 2 onwards was a missed opportunity with the ditching of what made the first entry so great. Mega Man Zero had a linked overworld and meaningful missions instead of "choose your boss".
You can see them trying to return back to roots with Mega Man 9 and 10, although personally I just had no interest since the concept of no slide or charge shots is way too archaic for me.
Does that mean you don't like Mega Man 2? Because if you do like the game, like many people do, that's not the problem.

Lots of people complain about the slide and the charge shot being missing, but their introduction made room for bad design decisions.

The addition of the slide meant that Mega Man had a kind of pseudo-dash ability that the enemies are made in mind with, which sucked. There were also suddenly gaps for Mega Man to slide through because they had to validate the addition of that move.

The charge shot just meant that enemies had more HP and in the end it was still better to use a turbo button unless the charge shot was too powerful (like in Mega Man 5). You'd end up charging the thing the entire time with that "wah-wah-wah-wah" sound.

I'm glad Mega Man 9 went back to basics.
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