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Old 2012-08-19, 17:22   Link #19
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
but Zero is totally awesome, he's built like a humanoid AU Gundam and has the personality and appearance of one of it's pilots. All stoic and bishie. He even has the whole tragic battle with the sympathetic robot chick from the other side that ends in her dying so that he can then ponder what might have been for the rest of eternity, but first he has to fight her totally awesome rival bro Charcatype in a duel for honor and supreme robo-manliness.

I guess what I'm trying to say is it feels like the X series tried to borrow from Gundam after about that point (colony drops and space elevators much? How about the new generation of newtype reploids in X8? Sieg Repliforce?) and it didn't really work cause it's a little hard to take it seriously when it's robots and the game is built like an action platformer and not a space opera.
Rofl, well certainly anything mecha related will take in account Gundam, but then you have an entire storyline about newtype reploids having to move to space to "evolve". And that was their most passable storyline, maybe because someone else thought of it. There's also an underlying theme that war is bad, though X series botches it up by making death extremely cheap.

And Capcom of America seemed to think of Gundam so too, since they cast Mark Gatha (English VA for G Gundam) as X in X8 and command mission and I found the game worth playing on that alone. X's voice actors beforehand went from girly (X4), bishie (x5-x6), Monotone (x7). Then you suddenly have X channeling a Gundam Pilot in X8 in a rather over the top manly fashion and we wonder why they just didn't do that in the first place. In the Maverick Hunter X OVA...


As for Zero, maybe it's due to his girly appearance, but he also gets a manlier voice every time a new game gets released. Though his Japanese voice was Ryotaro Okiayu so that was pretty maxed out on that side.

And yea, Zero seems to get all the manly stuff. In fact he gets to do all the cool stuff plot related in X5-X6, including saving X when half of his body was already blown away. Gameplay wise, he's also infinitely more fun in those games until you get X pimped out with the Armor of the Month. Zero of course, doesn't need upgrades. =p And he shows up in those crossover games. I mean they put fucking Tron Bonne in and Mega Man gets no say?
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