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Old 2012-08-21, 07:06   Link #23019
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
what is really scary is this guy was elected to the House 6 times and his views are well known in his district.
A congressional district is a smaller area than a senatorial district. There is more room for localized crazy.

This is often a problem some politicians have when they try to go up the political ladder. Their views that are acceptable at a low local level start to become unacceptable on the state level.

I think what tells you how much Akin has bungled this, is that even the troglodyte denizens of Free Republic aren't defending him.

One thing to consider is that Akin isn't TOTALLY off the ball. Violent sexual assault resulting in pregnancy is actually pretty rare. But that's due to a wide range of factors, emotional stress resulting in a miscarriage being only one of them. I honestly think a greater statistical factor would be the failure on the rapists part to successively deposit semen in the woman's vagina.

...but really. I can't ethically give Akin a pass on this. If you are even going to SUGGEST regulating peoples personal freedom to do something, then you better damn well know the terminology of what you're talking about. I didn't give Carolyn McCarthy a pass for "Shoulder thing that goes up", so it'd be hypocritical to give one to Akin. And the screw up that Akin did is a much more offensive muckup.

Last edited by Roger Rambo; 2012-08-21 at 07:24.
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