Thread: Licensed Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
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Old 2012-08-31, 10:37   Link #2107
Join Date: Jan 2004
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Gohan78 View Post
Well, the difference is that in the case of CG, Sunrise screwep up the schedule and was forced to make two recap episodes (8.5 and 17.5) to buy time.
But MBS knew about the Olympics beforehand, so why didn't they reschedule AO at another time? That's pathetic...
Signs point to the exact same thing happening here really. The Olympics are just an excuse. Since ep13 we've seen more and more animation directors credited on each E7AO episode, this is a clear sign they're rushing to complete the episodes. If that's the case, it's likely that after the Olympics they simply haven't completely enough episodes ahead to double up on the weeks which MBS could have aired it, like they did for Joshiraku. Can't air what doesn't exist.
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