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Old 2012-09-01, 12:22   Link #37071
Just another Idiot
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Delusion world
My specialty anyway....

First one:
Basically, a rehash of Fate being trapped in Dream work except....
It's real because some idiots decide to make it possible by extensive memory modification.

A serious dystopia:

>A world where no magic...(because the Memory mage has serious inferior complex.... having ZERO combat ability compared to those kids at sport game...)

>There is no death.... (because your dead relative get replaced by new one)

>Everybody goes to school and the masterminds behind it is part of the popular/"Elite" (again inferiority complex in play).

In a way, ultimate Escapist's fantasy....that is so wrong in many level that it is better not to think about it.

(Also to demonstrate that you don't need Nanoha's firepower to be a serious threat....)

Stepford Mage?
In a way.
That smile is not fake but the problem is the reason behind that smile....


The OC villain..... I always wanted to do a villain who is an epic mind-screw troll-er (AKA Terumi from Blazblue).....

Last Section Case File: Dark Matter..... is technically Magical drug abuse....

Family Unfriendly Aesop?:
>No matter how much you try, you can't be as good as somebody who have both hardwork and talent....(not to mention being trained by the very best while you have to struggle to learn everything on yourself own.....)

>In someway, Level Upper arc?
Ara Han
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