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Old 2012-09-03, 05:30   Link #258
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Originally Posted by Sumeragi View Post
Seems like it's the other way around.
Not at all. The naivety I'm seeing here is from people who refuse to accept that real wrong-doing and bullying almost certainly occurred.

Klashikari has put forward excellent arguments clearly showing why the official story coming from these apologies just does not fully add up, at least not for all of the participants.

Systematic as in it was planned to harm the victim by all the participants.
Like I myself wrote before, maybe not all of the participants were in on the plan to harm the victim, but I really think that it's very naive to think that nobody involved in this was motivated by ill-intent.

The way Kanemoto and Terashima handled this whole event is highly suspicious, in my opinion. Like Klash said, the radio event is quite eyebrow-raising.

The reason why a lot of people aren't satisfied with the apology is because the apology is frankly insulting to people's intelligence and doesn't address how this is a bit more than just a mere misunderstanding.

There's times in life when it's better for people to suck it up and truly admit that they did wrong, and if people don't do that, then why should they be forgiven?

Speaking personally, I'll forgive any sincere apology. But the apology we have right now seems very half-hearted, at best, to me, and it dodges what really needs to be apologized for, imo.

Now, obviously a lot of the fan reaction to this has been quite nasty and unwarranted itself. But I agree with Kirarakim, I'm glad that fans who heard about this didn't just shrug their shoulders and say 'whatever'. What happened here was very crude and hurtful, and it shows a seedier side of the anime industry that shouldn't just be ignored or swept under the carpet, imo.

Maybe all of the fan outrage over this incident will make it less likely for incidents like this to happen in the future, and that's a good thing if you ask me.

Originally Posted by Xacual View Post
Their posts are being considered insincere because they haven't actually apologized for what happened to Ichiki. A real apology would have been that it was just a stunt but that it went out of hand and we're sorry to those involved for what took place. Telling everyone that it's all just a misunderstanding and then threatening to sue people that host the videos kind of kills that.

Originally Posted by frivolity View Post
Except that there is no evidence that the apologies were insincere. All of the stuff we have here is simply assumptions that we're reading into the events.
No, it's more than mere assumptions. Klashikari has put forward perfectly good reasons for doubting and questioning the official story.

I personally find it in bad taste to read insincerity into an apology, once again especially because Ichiki himself has already said that he bears no ill will against the people involved.
And you don't think that Ichiki himself was pressured into saying that to try to calm the storm?

And sometimes apologies are insincere, so I don't see why it's in bad taste to read insincerity into an apology if you have good reason to suspect that they're not sincere.

Last edited by Triple_R; 2012-09-03 at 05:46.
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