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Old 2012-09-06, 10:09   Link #97
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
One day I'll understand why Momoyo is supposed to be popular. I don't really like her path all that much ^_^... would pick Chris or Yukie's path over Momoyo's any day.

Ultimately it depends what kind of girl is your taste. I like "oneechan chara" and the stronger and more confident the female the better!

That, and I really like the message in the route. Self-improvement! Yamato finally "mans up" in her route.. Childhood trauma? Daddy issues? F-that! Do what you can and live life to the fullest! Whiners and crybabies, you can stick to your mediocre lives!

Ha, actually I like Yukie's route too.. but Chris' route just made me completely rage. Personally, I felt it was awful and made everyone go out of character, but to each their own.
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