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Old 2012-09-08, 20:48   Link #132
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: InterWebs
Originally Posted by Adigard
And honestly from those snippets it's almost impossible to know exactly what the NERVgear intercepts / reads. You can't even make too many assumptions based on the fact that you have to make motions to engage Sword Skills / the menu system, that could simply be smart programming, to make the game interface easier to pick up for beginners.
You are right. But there is nothing else to do in a speculation thread but to speculate, right? This might seem pointless to some people, but to some others, speculating things like this is fun.

Speaking of which how does the NervGear handles "needs"? Hunger, bladder, things like that? If they're playing normally, I don't see a reason to have them blocked, but I suspect the situation now is that they're completely blocked from the sensation of needs of their own body and only experience simulated ones.

Speaking of needs, do people actually feel sleepy in-game, or need to? (aside from consciously entering sleep-state, which is clearly possible) I think I vaguely remember the anime saying something that they don't need to, but I forgot.
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