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Old 2012-09-18, 14:36   Link #30649
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by musouka View Post
Yes, I, too, would be thrilled to know that my body is completely sexually dysfunctional and I'm 75% Kinzo, after having been working as a servant under the woman that tried to murder me. Man, that Yasu and her silly complaints!
Except that's not something she knows is true. It's something she thinks is true, and which has never had any bearing on her life before. If she never heard about any of it, her life would be no different than it is. And the way it is is pretty good.

Literally, it matters only because she believes it. Even if every word of it were true, it doesn't matter, because her reaction would be the same if it were all false. She cannot prove she is the baby. She cannot prove there was a baby. She doesn't remember it. The trauma is not her own. She has no reason whatsoever to suffer some complete breakdown over this. It is entirely her fault how she chooses to react (or overreact) to unverifiable information. She's given a choice and I wouldn't begrudge her believing it and being emotionally harmed by it. But what she seems to do, or at least is alleged to have done, is the core of the problem. No one but her bears responsibility for that, and to latch on to something you merely believe is true as impetus for (possibly) the deaths of over a dozen people is disgusting.

It's ridiculous. She's being a transcendent drama queen about what amounts to a story, a story she cannot even confirm. And then, if we go by the fantasy scenario, she gets an apology and a bazillion dollars. And is nevertheless motivated by something apparently completely unrelated to that anyway.

Her characterization is an unbelievable mess that paints a picture of an overly-credulous, selfish person willing to fly off the handle about everything that is good for fanciful stories of horrible things that might have once been. But then acts like she's sensitive and pitiful. She has no idea how good she has it, how much worse others have it, and how hard they try to cope regardless.

The argument "well she's not that strong" would seem to fly in the face of her conviction to commit mass murder (and her apparent ability to create coping mechanisms as portrayed in Requiem). Of course, if she didn't do that, then the characterization claim is valid... but in that case she's innocent, and her supposed motive can't even be read that way because it's unrelated to why people actually died, and we're right back where we started.
Redaction of the Golden Witch
I submit that a murder was committed in 1996.
This murder was a "copycat" crime inspired by our tales of 1986.
This story is a redacted confession.

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