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Old 2012-09-22, 00:45   Link #129
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Location: Take a wild guess
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
No, it doesn't really work that way. Each show has its own separate staff, and its own set of workers assigned to each episode based on the needs of each episode. If the needed staff aren't in house, then they'll outsource (as often happens anyway). I don't think either show is getting "more time and attention", but they do have different art styles, which is driven by the art director, animation director, and character designer. You may like the style of one over the other, but there's no "preferential treatment" going on. I'm sure each team will do the best they can within the constraints they're assigned.
Actually it depends on the budget allotted by the companies to the show. It's pretty obvious that Warner will do their best for LB because of the fanbase... It's just like how toei works, it's obvious that pretty cure and toriko has more budget than one piece.
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