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Old 2012-09-25, 23:41   Link #415
( ಠ_ಠ)
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Originally Posted by hyl View Post
Sometimes a serie can be "hated" due to some kind of disappointment, like not living up to it's hype or that serie ended up having a pairing or outcome that you did not like/expect.
If that is the case, then the disinterest does not come into play or comes way too late into play.

There is also another kind of hate that i am seeing, but that looks more like a bias towards it's genre or it's popularity. Like for example there aee lots of hate towards the generic "moeblob" (like k-on) or "shounen action" (like "the shounen jump big 3": one piece,naruto and bleach) series.
Originally Posted by hyl View Post
I disagree, some animes that i have seen started out great and it was fullfilling my expectations. But as the serie went on, it gradually get worse. By the time when i realized that the serie was going to end as a disappointment, i still kept watching it. Because dropping a serie after sitting through 10 episodes and not finish it eventhough there are at most 3 episodes left, is in my opinion a bigger waste of time.

As for not being worth it, i even more strongly disagree on that. Personally , I think criticism from the perspective of someone who disliked a show is also needed for a better discussion.
There's a difference between disliking a show, and hating one.
The latter suggests negatively passionate about the subject, which does not produce a good criticism.

Your argument about a subject needing critical viewpoint is actually counter-productive if it's generated from such passion.
Constructive criticism is spawned from a healthy balance of objective and subjective view, collected by a cool head. Not a passionate one.

This isn't just about anime, it's about anything in general.
If you want to actually have a meaningful, constructive dicussion, hate doesn't play a role anywhere in it.

Everyone is free to hate anything you want, but don't expect to be welcomed in a discussion on the subject... be it an opinion on an entertainment medium, religion, politics, or any other subject of discussion.

Last edited by aohige; 2012-09-25 at 23:55.
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