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Old 2012-09-27, 07:56   Link #61
The First Rasengan!!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
In other words, he was being Tobi at the time, not Madara. What matters is that, to the audience, he was most certainly Tobi. Only later did he impersonate Madara. And that's kind of beside the point, because who says he can't impersonate Madara with short hair? How many readers held onto the belief that he was "Old Madara" beneath that mask despite the short hair?

That's not true. Kishi changed the style of his characters post time skip. Not just hair, but clothing as well. Not everything about a character's design must remain constant. Change in clothing or hair can reflect growth, maturation, or simply a different time period.

Tobi changed his hairstyle. But should we ignore the fact that he also changed his clothes and mask? When Tobi switched from the Spiral mask to the Sharinnegan mask, was it logical to conclude that there was a different person behind each of those masks? If it's one person per hairstyle, doesn't it follow that it's one person per mask as well?

Sorry. I do not understand this fixation with Tobi's hair.
-being with twist.

In the translation I read, it seems that there is a third Zetsu that located Rin and Kakashi. Could they be talking about Black Zetsu?
In the translation I read, obito specifically asks, where's the other white one and they said he was outside spying
Mokujin Rasengan
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