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Old 2012-09-28, 06:41   Link #18
Knight Errant
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: 35
Certainly Roald Dahl, but I don' think Enid Blyton or Agatha Christie will have the staying power. Boh of them were essentially writing genre fiction, and it's rare for that to stick around for more then a generation. Roald Dahl, on the other hand, had an edge to him. His books didn't really fit into a set formula (other then the fact the adults were always horrendously cruel...). They have a similar quality to Louis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland.

Also, why no mention of J.R.R. Tolkien? I'd say his books will stick around (but not his immitators).

In the pre-1950 category I'd also nominate Brave New World.

Also, what about Catch 22?

I'd like to see Isaac Asimov's books continue to be remembered, but I think his works will date, much like Agatha Christie. That and Sci-Fi gets no respect from the literary establishment...

Also, those who think our writing has degenerated has clearly been reading the wrong books.
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