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Old 2012-10-02, 11:18   Link #375
Moe Kyun~!
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Philippines
Originally Posted by kitten320 View Post
a) I know she will since she is main girl but where the hell is she? She just disappeared without any explanation
b) Doesn't explain a huge level jump in one episode
c) Doesn't cancel the fact that this whole drama was beyond rushed
d) Ok
e) That's not an explanation. If the actual year has passed, then he must have seen a lot os deaths by now so why this one girl is more special than others? She didn't stand out at all. Just plain scared girl, there are lots of those.
f) They barely even know each other!
a) Actually, it's Kirito who was not appearing to her for some reason. In fact, Asuna will only appear after a few episodes, with the assumption that Asuna DOES not, in fact, visit the low floors (or is rather busy at the front lines) at this time.

b) It's a time skip from December, 2022 to around July, 2023, to December 2023. What do you expect?

c) At least they didn't present it as a flashback and you'd think that "Oh, this anime's just gonna skip 2 years and just present the past for convenience. What sloppy writing!"... or something like that. And, yes, it's rushed, but the impact will still be there after the next episodes. Don't worry...

e) There are a couple of reasons why Kirito valued her more than the others...
(1) She looks like her sister. Seriously.
(2) He had already made a promise to her that she will live, and he felt especially responsible to her most especially because the accident was almost his fault.

f) Like I said, this episode has too much time skip. Try to pause and look what Floor / Date it is in every scene.
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