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Old 2012-10-05, 16:05   Link #1085
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Originally Posted by Sumeragi View Post
Can I just say that is one of the largest piece of BS I've ever heard in any format? There is no superior or inferior way of thinking, given the limitations of humans. The fact that people think science is the answer is the same kind of idolatry that anti-religion people accuse the religious of, and in fact I believe them to be no different from the extreme religions that they speak down of.
Assertion. False Equivalency. Some ways of thinking will get you eaten by tigers, others are less likely to.

The scientific method is WHAT CONSCIOUS BEINGS DO when they're creating a model of reality in their head. Collect Data -> Form Hypothesis, Create Model-> Collect more data->modify model. If model can't explain data with modification, toss model out, new model.

Creatures that don't do that don't tend to do well. If data is discarded because it doesn't fit what an ancient text says, it is not going to go well. Even the Dalai Lama gets that.
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