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Old 2012-10-08, 23:04   Link #181
Waiting for more taiyuki!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by DezoPenguin View Post
And as yet there's no explanation for the "spiritings away"--is it one of the Logos factions? The Ministry of Health? Kifu village? Actual spirits such as the "drowned gods" acting up and claiming victims?

Basically, somebody grabbed up the plot stick and beat the crap out of the anime in this episode! Seriously, while Tamaki's "The only thing I can do is trust him" bit and Ohmi's refusal to simply give his reasons straight to his friends are a little bit out of the cliche bin, for the most part this is the kind of episode to give me hope that this second season will go somewhere and do something worthwhile with all the plot threads being scattered about in the first season.
Well it was implied what's happening. The spirited aways are the human sacrifices. Baba's servant is the one doing the dirty deed.
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