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Old 2012-10-09, 08:45   Link #13
Me at work
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: 36
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There's something that strikes me as odd about requirement 1 and 2 of this "genre" we're trying to label,they define the age and the setting quite specifically,is there any genre that does that?

drama,comedy,sci fi,fantasy,action,mystery,horror...these words don't give you a specific setting or character age,so I'm not sure why we'd have to create a genre that does.

Which is why I think the high school versions of this a subgenre of something larger.

Take usagi drop,I think it fits requirement 3,4,5,6 but not 1,2,7 due to the setting,or take Ikoku Meiro no Croisé that also fit requirement 1,3,4,5,6 but not 2 and 7 due to its setting,yet both of these are shows I'd recommend to people who like Tari Tari and Hyouka.

The Japanese refer to shows like "Aria" or "Tamayura" as "healing animes" but show like Tari Tari have more drama in them so this leads to my humble proposition: "Healing Drama".
Too much drama to be purely a "healing" anime but not enough to be a full blown "drama".Some healing dramas can be set in highschool.

Of course nobody uses this term now I wouldn't bet on it catching on but I had fun coming up with it
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