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Old 2012-10-12, 19:58   Link #425
Vanitas owns you >:3
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Moar titles:

Yumekui Merry

Itsuka Tenma No Kuro Usagi

Arghhhhh it displeases me so that so many people HATE and bash on these two anime that I ADORE.
No, I didn't read the source material (novels/manga).
I don't give a f*ck. I watched them knowing nothing about them and I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND. SO SUE ME!
They are wonderful as stand-alones-just leave them alone, please!?

To be honest, I started reading the manga of both and feel "meh it's that Yumeji looks like that but" with Merry, but Itsuten?
That art is f*cking UGLY. At least it is for the first seven chapters. It must get a hell of a lot better if people don't like the anime. Himea looks ugly and Mirai looks ugly and ALL THE GIRLS look ugly and not cutesy at all. The anime's art was SCENERY PORN. The characters too....I have never in my life seen a more gorgeous female anime character than Saitohimea. I could not take my eyes off her amazing design!! *____* (so much that I customized a doll to look just like her. )

So yeah....these two amazing shows.....I loved them and no, the endings AREN'T satisfying....but I really appreciated what the 12 episodes offered. I had a really great time watching both of them....and I will get all the answers after the source material has been read LATER.

and just be grateful you didnt say something like preferring ranka lee to sheryl nome.
I prefer ranka lee to sheryl nome

Last edited by Chiibi; 2012-10-12 at 21:01.
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