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Old 2012-10-13, 07:18   Link #859
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Poland
Age: 38
Randrak42 but Chitoge and Raku arent dating for real. And Kosaki already know that fact. And between them there wasnt any feelings in begining. If Kosaki and Raku would date in begining of series then it would be impossible for any girl to interrupt. because it was mutual feeling... Thats why it would be end of series...

Yes Raku and Kosaki dating would make sense- but only now when Raku develop feelings for Chitoge and Chitoge knew whats her real feelings are... It would be interesting... But we are talking here about past, not about current situation!! Earlier relationship between Raku and Kosaki would mean end of series...

Not others girls, but only one girl- Mari... Its 3 girls in total... In end you can call it love triangle manga which change into harem... But its harem manga only in name... If you look only at chemistry between characters and feelings development between them then this manga is love triangle... Serious plot happen only between Kosaki- Raku- Chitoge...
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