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Old 2012-10-13, 20:50   Link #73
Knight Errant
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: 35
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
That aside... your attitude about sex and related issues strikes me as very... stereotypical male. It's very... practical? (There are oh so many puns that could be used here...) Well, now that we've given the fujoshis more to fantasize about, we'd probably better leave it here...
Can't say I can speak much for how male and female sexuality differ.

For me, I have only two states. I'm either thinking from below, or from above, never in between. I'm either drooling over boobies, or contemplating philosophy. There isn't really a middle ground. I'm even attracted to different women in those two states. Given that I'm only in a state of arousal once or twice a day, I tend to think with my head, and keep that other side private.

After climax it's interesting how quickly my mood changes, I almost immediately lose all interest in anything sexual.

Can't really say what it's like for other men.

Originally Posted by totoum View Post
I think there's a gap between the "yuri fandom" DonQuigleone is talking about and the one others are talking about.

DQ is talking about "yuri fandom" that watches animes like Aoi Hana and Sasameki Koto while others are talking about the "yuri fandom" that watches Rinne no Lagrange or hentais like Shoujo Sect

Those aren't always the same people
That is true, but I think in talking about Yuri/Yaoi it's more helpful to avoid hentai, which is an entire category in itself.

Originally Posted by Midonin View Post
I may not read anything they write, but I am damn sure going to defend their right to keep making it. Expressing your fandom and your tastes through something you create yourself is a great thing, and a good way to find out something about how a person thinks. (This last part isn't always pleasant, but I've been in the interests of being open minded.) And that all goes back to my opening statements - rather than dismissing fangirls, learning a thing or two from them might not be such a bad idea. You can still do serious analysis and write a fanfic about two girls who you think should be doing each other and not have one cancel out the other. People are multidimensional, and so are fandoms.
Sure, I just think that only writing about pairing is a bit limited, and vulgar. If they can write to a high standard, more power to them. I just don't like what they write.

The squeeing and glomping doesn't help either.
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