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Old 2012-10-14, 04:35   Link #302
The Bloodlust Kid
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Originally Posted by SilverSyko View Post
I'm liking the sound of this. I have never seen such awesomely GAR englishmen. If this is only an appetizer, the main dish must be exquisite.~

In the case of episode 2, I figured that the mask had something to do with vampires. Now I'm wondering just how the Joestar family came into possession of such an item...

And yeah, it seems like there is some censoring for the more brutal attacks during fight scenes, but there's a large likeliness that it may be uncensored in the DVD release. Heck, it could be a LOT worse. They could have removed blood all-together.
As far as I'm concerned, you haven't even been seated yet.

Also, they seem to skipped the part about where the mask came from (only giving hints in the ED) but they never really explained how the Joestars got it in the first place. Considering that the mask was decoration at one point and this is 19th century Europe, I think the Joestars just bought whatever wasn't nailed down at the time.
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