Thread: Dating
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Old 2012-10-15, 15:17   Link #10819
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
Thanks for reply willx. I hope it does ease up later on. It just pains me to see her depressed every time. It's not serious to the point that anything happens as a result of it, but she just sulks from time to time. :' (
Seriously though kind words go a long damn way. I'm one of those people that, when I'm not in one of my "touch-y feel-y" moods, tends to be a tiny bit oblivious about people's emotions and feelings and that bites me in the butt sometimes..

"I love you, and everything that makes you, you. That includes your life and experiences before you met me .. heck, that's why I fell for you in the first place, and that won't ever change." -- Would probably help a bit

FYI, I also wasn't joking about the math, example:
13 x 18 = ew! gross! criminal!
17 x 22 = still dating a minor! crime!
23 x 28 = hm, that's a bit of a gap?
33 x 38 = huh, what are we talking about again?
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