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Old 2012-10-15, 21:16   Link #407
Reek of Blood
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: South Africa
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Originally Posted by Insane View Post
I'm just feeling rather weird of this eps. Couldn’t Kirito just tell Asuna’s dad about the creepy fuck death treats? or provoke him on discussion again just this time record it with a phone or something.

But i guess our MC is not that bright in this series (why?) and will probably try to solve it though the game.
Probably because; Firstly, Kirito is essentially a stranger to Asuna’s family. That should already be a large enough obstacle to claiming their daughter is being held up in some crazy conspiracy theory.

Secondly, status is an issue because while in SAO, Kirito may be the most baller swordsman to grace the plane of existence, in the real world, Kirigaya Kazuto is a sickly, rehabilitating highschooler who has been in a coma for two years and comes from a family of modest means. At the very least, they would be hesitant to take the things he says at face value because of the trauma he went through.

Asuna’s family on the other hand, has high standing in society. Anything Kirito has to say is already diminished by factors outside of his control. He, the smart kid he is, realizes his only chance, slim as it is, is to work out a solution, gain a foothold of some sort, in the only place where is he undoubtedly exceptional: in VRMMOs.

Even if a MC wasn’t so intelligent, why would that make their story any less interesting?
If anything, wouldn’t it be even more amazing that they manage to accomplish things that are story worthy?
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