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Old 2012-10-16, 17:37   Link #4999
Joseph Defense Squad
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mars
Originally Posted by Tendou Souji View Post
Shipping has no place in intelligent conversation. Especially Wufei and Sally. (snip)

You shouldn't whine about something you haven't read, played, watched, witnessed etc. Secondhand information is often twisted each time it is passed along. Hilde being dead is still a common complaint whenever Frozen Teardrop is brought up even though she is alive.
I honestly couldn't care less for Sally and Wufei- but some people ship them. Why shouldn't they? Because you don't like it? Because you don't think it's canon? Well, if the Kathy theory turns out correct, then it would suddenly be canon though... whether we like it or not. And I fundamentally disagree that shipping concerns cannot be part of intelligent conversation where they are relevant to plot or character progression. Now, fangirling, is a totally different thing. Hence why I say fangirling=/ shipping

A lot of people on here ship 1xR- I personally do not as I've said previously, but that doesn't mean other people don't have every right to.
Honestly, the only ship I seriously support (because it is and always was canon) is 6x9 (and in my opinion they deserve a good end and I would be pissed if some 3rd class sequel like FT ruined it. Not necessarily because I'd object to a bad end, but to my favourite characters being sacrificed in a really really stupid novel. So I can totally understand if Sally fans are unhappy, or Hilde fans were unhappy when we thought she was dead) - I couldn't care less about the rest, ship-wise. I can't for the life of me see Heero and Relena together, ever, and I think it would completely ruin her character if they were. Same with Marina.
I lived in fear or a kitschy SetsunaxMarina end, and it not happening made 00 for me. Which, btw, had a happy romance in AllexMarie, so your statement isn't really correct.. So did, say, Turn A and there are other examples. Kira and Shinn included, technically. Rare they might be, but good ends for pairings to exist in Gundam.

To me, ships aren't about how cute they are but how much sense they make for character development and plot.
Hence I've got a problem with a lot of non canon ships and fangirling about it, but none with intelligent conversation about canon...

I agree with you that you can't complain about things you haven't seen/read, and I myself never do so (with the sole exception of 50 Shades, I just couldn't, I'm sorry, but there is no way. I read excerpts. That will have to do. Urgh)- that's difficult to apply to japanese novels though. Yes, we get summaries (and eventually translations) here thanks to Deacon Blues, but they are not exactly accessible- arguably not a whole lot of people know how to read the novel. It's unavoidable that a lot of information will be based on hearsay or word of mouth. Annoying, but unavoidable.

That said, all I did was try to reply to gundamgirl in an intelligent manner, regardless of whether she's ship-obsessed or not (after all I can't/shouldn't infer from one post if all she cares about is some pairing). Doesn't mean I support that kind of thing, so I'm not sure how I ended up defending shippers here xD

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
About the shipping; I don't get it. I have seen so many people who get turned off by a good story, simply because they don't like a pairing. Just look at what was going on with Harry Potter.
Yeah, I never understood that, if the story was good, and the pairing made sense in context. Harry Potter's ships arguably all make sense (with Ginny making a wee bit less sense)
A bad example would be Aquarion Evol, where the total mess up with its pairings contributed largely to how crappy the show turned out. Or, to some extend Gundam Seed with what they did to Fllay and why.
In the context of GW though... I don't see it. Pairings shouldn't really be an issue...

Likewise, would a bad story be better if it had the "right" pairings? Heero and Relena could have twenty children for all I care, it still wouldn't make me like FT. .
In the case of FT, honestly, I don't think anything could ever save it Now, if Quatre and Dorothy had 20 clinically insane babies on the other hand... I kid, I kid.

I'm not trying to dis any displeased shippers. It's everyone's right to dislike something for whatever reason. But talking only about how 1x2 or 5xS has been sunk, when we have meowing mobile suits(/armors?) flying around and Duo and Wu Fei behaving like your standard anime cliché, is making one's criticism seem rather ...mindless.
this, yes.
merciless fairies.
I had a bad nightmare.

By the way, was it said that Trowa had no offspring? I know it was stated for Quatre (at least that he wasn't married). 'Cause, you know, I'm still trying to figure out where Phobos came from.
I always had a bit of a soft spot for that Quatre Dorothy thing... because of what you said. And because he's bananas, she's bananas, it entertains.
As for Phobos.. well. He. Oh, for all we know he's probably Trowa's legitimate father who was frozen.
There were teardrops.
I don't know.
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