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Old 2012-10-22, 18:33   Link #1651
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by willx View Post
Accusations against Fox and other media outlets are fair .. But, be wary of the possibility of a "reality distortion field" here as well folks -- the world and reality has a habit of biting people in the ass when you ignore it. Oh, and bold emphasis is mine.
*yawn* Facts are facts. I refuse to accept false equivalency. The false equivalent "moderates" have been doing harm by unconscious collusion with the far right for years. So long as they are moving right at lightspeed (oh wait that's too science-y), aren't self-proclaimed centrists moving right too to keep their "centrism"? "The Right are bad and the Left are bad" may make people feel like they're the most responsible person in the room talking above the partisanship, but they are just fooling themselves.

Like Mr. David Brooks, I suppose.

Facts are pretty simple to dig out even on the Internet unless "you don't believe in fact-checking." Don't go to the DailyKos or HuffingtonPost (they're partisans, new media equivalents of classic old party rags), try something like Data, congressional voting records, they're all available, and there are sources which make it their raison d'etre to digest and analyze them for the public benefit. Policies ought to be set not by taking A and B and mix them up the middle (not that the Republican party made even that easy these days), but by rational decisions based on established data, guided of course by principles which are up for contest in a proper functioning democracy.

Besides, reddit is user-directed. If the users are liberal (as the young and Internet savvy are wont to be), that's how the website's going to look. It isn't a news source claiming neutrality, as Fox News claim to be. It's not even entirely pro-Democrat, redditors are natural allies of the EFF, The Pirate Bay, and other sworn enemies of the Party of Hollywood. Karma-whoring through anti-IP legislation posts is a tradition. They just hate the Right that much more.
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