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Old 2012-10-25, 14:28   Link #1766
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40

I think you're both missing something fundamental though. The election rhetoric aside, none of which I care about, answer this question: Is there a difference between what Todd Aiken said and what Richard Mourdock said? Yes or no? The answer is yes.

Todd Aiken said something that showed a fundamental lack of understanding about the human body of knowledge related to biology. Something completely out of touch with how we understand the world to be. In other words crazy. What did Richard Mourdock actually say? He said that he believed the conception of life out of that horrific event was "God's Will" or in his rephrasing "God's Love." So what, although poorly worded, was he saying? Basically "All life is a gift of god, even conceived out of such a heinous act, that life is valuable." He is simply pro-life. That's a debate that rages to this day and isn't a simple question. I know where I stand on it.

That however, my friends, is his opinion. It is an opinion I do not share. I am pro-choice and don't believe in god. Now, what about that stance (his stance, to clarify), to you is so heinous that someone cannot simply agree to disagree about?

PS: I laughed about it as hard as anyone else when I heard it and said to myself: "How ridiculous" After reading further into the story though, I'm left sad at the mudslinging and the "picking on people" that goes about in elections and politics in general. Not that I hope for a "gentleman's duel at 20 paces" or anything.. but I wish everyone in general would be more tolerant and less emotional.
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