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Old 2012-11-03, 22:12   Link #202
The GAP Man
Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
Unfortunately in my mind tamed means to sap out all the personality they had-- they almost seem to have turned into the archetypes they subverted in the first place.

Though the worst is definitely the new character, that really fits the bad kind of archtype in the OP. She has zero depth, a flat personality, and is really just there to do cool possibly inhuman feats as well as show off tits and ass. Though I guess that's why her nickname is "Mari Sue" :S

But this is a rant for another day. As I've said before, there's nothing wrong with showing off a character's body or abilities. But it can't just be an end to itself.

I really do feel like Rebuild was supposed to reflect a more matured creator that moved out of their depression, but the characters here don't really have enough luster. We can hope they boost themselves past the halfway point, but it doesn't look that way atm.
One of the things that Evangelion as known for is the strong character development, dynamics and drama. Despite all the doom and gloom of the original series, you have to admit the characters do play well with each other. There was never a character that didn't have some depth or characterization andl they were not only deconstructions of their respective archetypes but they were more than just their archetypes. I had to see this with Rebuild but I'll forgive it considering that they are mostly two hour movies and you can only fit so much in it.

Originally Posted by Soliloquy View Post
Anime is not really great medium that make great female characters of course there are some great exceptions like Ghibli. However when the anime has to portray certain strong female character, it had to be a bit too blatant, or over the top, I guess it has to pander to the target demographics to be successful. That was one thing I liked about Ghibli, they can make a strong female character without making her actually ridiculously strong but she is independent and doesn't need to rely on brute strength at the same time still be feminine like Princess Mononoke and the others (I can't remember the names). By all means I welcome the tomboys and variety of strong females but I guess I really don't appreciate this particular character archetypes. As long as they can manage to create a character keeping a fine balance like Ghibli does, I like it.

I guess I'm the only one with this preference and have yet to try Ghost in the Shell nor Black Lagoon. Well action isn't really my cup of tea anyway.
I guess they best to make a strong female character is not to make a strong female character but create a good character who just happens to be female. Ghibli females are miles ahead of Disney's princesses in terms personality and character.

Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
LOL yeah. I also think that Mari is a “WTF character” in this new Eva universe. She’s always genki, she kicks some asses, she lectures our beloved protagonist, and overall gave a different aura to the movie(s). She’s almost like a representation of the jaded fans who enters Eva universe and says “WTF with all these gloomy atmosphere and angsty characters! Let’s make this show more cheerful and exciting! I’ll show you how to do it!” .

I admit that she's my guilty-pleasure in the movie(s).
You and every other Mari fan. Seriously though, I hope Mari gets more character soon or becomes less of a mary sue in the future.
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