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Old 2012-11-03, 23:38   Link #69
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Okay so another list of shows that might need some further investigation on your part:

Otome Youkai Zakuro: Romance, drama, slice of life, comedy, and bishies. Pretty clean.

Last Exile: An older action adventure show. Available on Funimation's Youtube channel.

Ano Hana: Childhood friends have drifted apart, but in highschool one of their group reunites them as they work through their emotional traumas.

Tiger and Bunny: No romance, but does have bishie superheroes. Sort of an ode to the silver age superheros.

Kamisama Hajimemashita: Currently airing. A girl accidentally becomes a shrine deity and gets herself a bishie kitsune as her servant. So far nothing really naughty. The most I can think of is some subtle innuendo in the opening. Of course it hasn't finished yet, and I'm not familiar with the source material so I can't promise it will stay that way, but I doubt it will change much.

Little Busters!: A Key VN that is being adapted to an anime (similar to Kanon and Clannad). Not familiar with the source material, but is a possiblity if it's anything like Clannad. I'd wait for the anime to end though first and confirm that there are no objectionable parts (that or get someone familiar with the source to clue you in).

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun: Romance, drama, slice of life, comedy, and bishies. Girl who is a study bug is asked to deliver homework assignments to the absent delinquent. He thinks this means she is his friend. Next thing she knows he's dragging her into all sorts of problems. Knowing the source material it's actually rather clean, but the male lead does play into some of the "bad boy" shoujo stereotypes, and he is certainly attracted sexually to the female lead (though he restrains himself)- her response is not the typical shoujo thing of being excited by it, (nor the typical shounen response of getting violent) instead she's just really uncomfortable with that kind of talk- the way I'd guess a normal girl would feel. For my cousin I'd probably wait until she was at least 12, but you might want to check it out yourself and see what you think.

Tari Tari: Haven't watched beyond the first couple episodes, but might be somewhat good for this.

Hanasaku Iroha
: Maybe okay for this? I only watched a couple episodes. I remember the 2nd or 3rd episode did have a bunch of light fanservice, but I was told that episode was not representative of the rest of the series. You might want to check it out yourself and see what you think.

Bodacious Space Pirates: Highschool girl inherits her father's spaceship and privateer license, begins to have adventures in space. No real romance. There is a lesbian couple that is a plot element in a later arc in the series. (One of the girls is being married off against her will, and the other half of the couple hires our heroine to go rescue the other girl). Not sure how out of bounds that is for you, there is a kiss after the rescue but that's it.

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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