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Old 2012-11-04, 14:56   Link #11
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Britannia
Good episode, more character development and shit. I look forward to these episodes quite a lot every week

I don't think Sharon is part of the harem, unless she switches back to Yuuya at the end (which admittedly could happen, but there won't be any point since Yui and Yuuya are the OTP). Cryska has changed quite a bit since the beginning and after this episode, something feels off about Inia. It seems that she is definitely planning something.

Cui's official declaration of war is great but it seems she knows more about Yuuya than meets the eye. Either that or the whole "love somebody for who they are" thing refers to a blind love she has for Yuuya.

We can probably add the bar lady a.k.a. Shirley to the harem though. After all, he "owes her dinner".
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