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Old 2012-11-04, 15:32   Link #226
ANEGO Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: By the vending machine, drinking tea.
Originally Posted by Balzac View Post
But if the format they're going for is a continuous one, which from comments I'm reading is the case, then Riki and Rin will become strong as a result of the natural progression of events in the plot. Resets won't have to be apparent - to the viewer - to give that sense of growth in them. Riki's growth doesn't have to come from a specific aspect of a romantic route; there are a lot of other things the animators can come up with to reinforce that fact better.

Again in my opinion - though I'm getting tired of having to reiterate it - romance in Little Busters! doesn't have that much of an importance when compared to the bigger overall plot. It wasn't needed for Riki and Rin to be able to be strong. One can make an argument that they are important by themselves and as explorations of a heroine's self, and I agree, but as for the "world"? No - friendship would be a good place for the animators to focus on.

One can get away with just using Rin and Rik(Rin1 or Rin2)i as the one "route" where they go strong from start to finish without need for any of the other heroine routes (in which Rin had little development anyway), and it wouldn't be that unfeasible. Jun Maeda was able to accomplish that in the vanilla game. For me, take away the heroine routes save for Rin's, leaving only the common route with a lot of Rin-focused events, and one gets the sequence of events where Rin and Riki become strong. It's boorish and takes away much of the point of "resets", but for that aspect of Little Busters! it can work.

Now, you are of course, reserved to your opinions and that's applaudable. I'm just here to lay down mine, as we are all fans here, and game veterans at that.
Well personally take away the other girl routes and keep to just Rin's routes and the VN would be nothing but a passing memory for me right now. It was Riki's interactions with the other girls in their own routes along with his character development after each route that really got me hooked into the series. I admit I'm not completely unbiased, take away Kurugaya and Kud and the whole series can go to hell as far as I'm concerned...though if they were never introduced I wouldn't know any better and just keeping it with the Common Route and Rin Routes...well it wouldn't be enough to keep me interested in the series for this long. Even during Refrain I felt a severe lack of the other heroines (though it highly compensated it with the fact that it focused on the original LB crew).
And god-forbid if they dared to introduce the girls and not make routes for each would be a horrible move for a VN.

But I do agree, the romance is secondary to the plot (well certain routes like Anego's it is a key feature that cannot be taken out) but Riki and Rin's development is not.
My major point before was that...if Riki keeps doing things in a group, if he keeps depending on others to solve the problems then he isn't getting any stronger and independent which was not only Kyousuke's plan but what we saw through the whole thing with the routes.
Riki going through each route and solving each girl's problems ALONE was a key feature to the plot, watching him grow stronger and more independent was super important and actually enjoyable...after each route you could actually see how stronger he was in his responses, it was something the VN did remarkably well (it wasn't just seen in his stats, actions and responses to certain things changed bit by bit and evolved).
If the whole group gets involved in all the girls routes from now on...Riki can't get independent, Kyousuke will always be the leader that tells him what he should be doing, Kengo will always be the one with the good advices he needs to make a decision and Masato will always be there to protect him.
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