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Old 2006-01-11, 23:02   Link #362
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Demongod86
But how is Cagalli running her country detrimental to her relationship with Athrun? He's going to be flying the IJ in the name of Orb and haxing up any offenders!
The full explanation of how Athrun's relation affects Cagalli's duties is too long and convoluted to detail here. But, I can still relate one of the salient points:

Cagalli took off her ring at time when Athrun had to go to space while she still had to take care of Orb. There was simply no room in Cagalli's life for romance. Their later seperation is simply an extension of this. Athrun is a great mobile suit pilot, and a good soldier, but Cagalli doesn't really need a great soldier. What she needed was someone who she can confide in, and who could give her support. As seen earlier in Destiny, she was not capable of telling Athrun of the troubles she was in, and he was incapable of backing her up either politically, ideologically, philosophically or physically. This may only contribute indirectly to Cagalli's impotence, but it is still a contributing factor. Even with the war over, these problems have not gone away, so she remains a better leader apart from Athrun than with him.

Originally Posted by dom33
i'm surprissed you still continue to think gsd was good but your fellow tsa fans admited it sucked!
Why is this surprising? Different people can like things for different reasons, and no group of fans is monolithic in their tastes.
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