Thread: Licensed K (Anime project)
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Old 2012-11-08, 16:34   Link #1010
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
To me it seems like the reverse. His mere presence somewhere seems to sort of force this idea into the heads of those around him that he is this Yashiro guy and that they've known him forever. When he goes out of range, people's memories revert to normal. Because that person never actually existed.

Basically, he is impersonating a person who doesn't even exist. And nobody notices because everyone's memories are altered.
Yep, this episode made that pretty clear. And also that Neko knows what's up with him, though I wonder to what extent, or if she has a hand (paw?) in it... it would be interesting to know when she met Shiro. Perhaps when he first showed up in the school? (She's such a sweet thing it's hard to imagine her serving a psycho, plus Kurou theorized she might have been a "rounin" of sorts before meeting Shiro.)

That said, though, it's still possible that there's an outsider tampering with Shiro... I don't know why psycho!Shiro would do something like sealing his own memories.

By the way, remember Kukuri's line in ep 1 about how she feels Shiro is going to disappear the moment she takes her eyes off of him? That's exactly what just happened. Figuratively, anyway.

Last edited by kuromitsu; 2012-11-08 at 17:37.
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