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Old 2012-11-09, 04:38   Link #3773
reading #hikaributts
Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by Balzac View Post
I think it's pretty much certain that the formula for galge (specifically chara-ges and the similar sub-genres) require much of the humor concentrated on the common routes, as the character routes are used much more for drama (and sex). It's part of why I gravitate more towards those types of games and not to other sci-fi, mystery, thriller, etc., type novels, since they provide the most bang per buck. (Pun literally not intended - I refer to their comedic natures )
I am the same as you, i prefer those games as well.
It's given that the character routes tend to focus more on the drama in the character routes, but there are some eroge that have a good balance between comedy and drama in the character routes. Like recently for myself it was Naka no Hito nado Inai! .

As for your previous comment about "pure girls", personally i don't like them unless they have more defining character traits that supplement their personality. (like Louis from Naka no Hito nado Inai! )
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