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Old 2012-11-12, 11:48   Link #62
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
well Harem antics are needed in alternative to lighten up the mood. If you stay lonely and sad a certain hot headed storm vanguard would punch you. being sad is not needed in front line and specially in special task force.

But here in Total eclipse that's not the case at all!!! though I'm beginning to question. When TE is starting I heard its adapted from a novel then their is a manga where the novel stops though I'm not much informed other than that. Are they still adapting the novels? because next episode is a filler episode again. It just felt that they are stretching it far too much before the battle with the infinities. I even start thinking the studio had already given up on it. Specially in some scenes where the animation is totally off. Its like they aren't even giving an effort on it.
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