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Old 2012-11-16, 20:59   Link #93
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Sorry guys, but this is patently stupid, if you will excuse my French.

Rant mode on

It's getting annoying on several anime blogs who are disrespectfully dissing 90% of the anime coming out today in their venomous echo chamber, where I wonder why the hell they're doing it. They have NO CLUE about the material in itself, but they still feel not only to denigrate the works anyway, because their taste in anime is so superior. Then again, it's your own fault to go to these blog cesspools, just avoid them.

BUT. I'd really appreciate if people could stop spewing ignorant crap on popular anime forums like AS. I really want to keep this kind of mental pollution to a minimum here. So seriously folks, either get a clue about what you're writing BEFORE you barf on AS, or leave to greener pastures, thank you very much. The blog cesspools I mentioned can house a lot more toads.

Rant mode off

As one of the guys who has actually followed the light novels and the mangas of OreShura, I can say that the twist behind this show is pretty interesting. Both the male lead and the female lead _genuinely_ abhor romance. It's not just them being tsundere about it, they both hate it for understandable reasons, just like there's a good reason why they (pretend to) date anyway. Watching them very gradually change their minds is pretty entertaining to me. Whoever manages to supply me with a good romcom based on the same setup with the same strengths (excellent interesting characters and good interaction) wins a cookie. And whoever dislikes the romcom genre in itself is wrong here to begin with and should please relocate. It's as stupid as walking into Gundam forums and complaining why there's always mecha battles.
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