Thread: Licensed Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
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Old 2012-11-20, 11:57   Link #2659
Six Shooter
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: USA
Age: 43
Well, that was . . . . something. Paradoxes and nonsensical plot aside, the thing that offends me the most is Ao's decision to fire the quartz gun in order to give his parents a happy ending.

Until the final moments of the last episode, Ao has refused to fire the quartz gun because it alters timelines and potentially erase his friends and loved ones from existence. In episode 23, he essentially argues that there is no "true" timeline and therefore the current timeline has as equal a right to existence as the "true" timeline. In episode 24, he tells Renton that "erasing something wrong doesn't make it right." So what does he do 5 minutes later? HE ERASES HIS TIMELINE BECAUSE IT IS "WRONG". C'mon man, really? Niwa Nagahide awards this ending zero points.

Some random thoughts:

1. So after being told by Renton that his sister died due to high concentrations of trapar, Ao dropped pregnant Eureka off on top of a scub coral without warning her of the dangers of trapar. Way to murder your sister Ao!

2. If Elena is alive, she's 56.

2. It's obvious that Ao is Gonzy. Think about it. Doesn't make any sense, you say? Then it's a perfect fit for this series.
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