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Old 2012-11-22, 22:33   Link #19
Keep on keeping on
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: The pale blue dot...
A rather slower-paced episode, but this time the focus turns to Rikako Oryo instead. With Urobuchi holding the reins, there's no shortage of disturbing imagery; if you found the one from the previous episode scary, then this episode has taken it up to a higher notch.

Turns out Rikako's father was an artist who used bodies of girls as motifs, depicting them in a very morbid, disturbing manner. And now we have Rikako, bringing these paintings to reality. What I found interesting was Rouichi Oryo's ideology, brought up by Makishima, which goes along the lines of something like 'by becoming aware of the cruelty in our human hearts, humans can foster goodwill, common sense, ability to reason, which can control the cruelty,' something like that, I really can't express it properly at the moment, but I find it very Urobuchi-esque.

Another point brought up by Makishima was the adverse effect of science and technology on society. Even in such an advanced society, the average human lifespan is decreasing, and the stress care which was given to Rouichi Oryo ended up causing his death. The way Makishima puts forth his words makes him seem like quite the anarchist, and with his deeds combined, a formidable opponent of the MWPSB and the Sibyl system.

Other than that, I liked the scene between Akane and Kougami. It was funny when she was staring at him. And no wonder Kougami wasn't upset when Ginoza took him off the case; he knew at some point that he and Akane would be needed.
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