Thread: Halo: 4
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Old 2012-11-26, 13:39   Link #719
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Roger Rambo View Post
Actually the opening for Halo 4 shows her putting all the SII children in cages
In all fairness I think that was the augmentation part

Its possible the SIV's and Palmer don't really know the extent of her contributions as some of it may be classified and only know her as the war criminal that kidnapped children (many of which died) and forced them to become genetically and mechanically augmented killing machines to fight the insurrectionists.

Although the end justified the means to them she still abducted and experimented on hundreds of children with many dying or becoming disfigured as a result.
No because it's common knowledge that she was involved in the SPII program as it was detailed in Glasslands where the ODSTs assigned were told about it. If they know then yeah it should be common knowledge. Even then someone would ask, "what did she do with the kids?"

However, as Admiral Hood once pointed out the SPII saved his and many of the UNSC's Top Brass' lives dozens of times along with untold numbers of civilians and soldiers.

And the things they learned from the failed augmentations in the SPII program allowed them to have a 100% success rate with the SPIII and later SPIV program so she made the hard choice.
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