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Old 2012-11-28, 19:54   Link #14
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
When anime shows disappoint and/or fail to entertain much of the audience, a lot of the time it comes down to generally poor writing (at least in my experience). For example, with Guilty Crown, I think a lot of the reason why it disappointed a lot of people comes down to fairly basic writing issues (certain characters not being well-developed enough, certain subplots not being fully fleshed out with satisfying conclusions, some character evolutions being very hard to swallow, etc...).
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
You'd think what you've stated would be given common sense, but I've had some tough times arguing that very point to some people historically. Nowadays I realize that obviously I was wasting my time, but yeah that's about the way I see it too. It's all well and good if a billion people love something to death and think it's the greatest and spent a ton of money on it, but if it doesn't do anything for me personally then it just doesn't plain and simple and there's really nothing either myself or others can do about it really.
Well, in fairness to those people, sometimes there's value in just stating your case and moving on. While it's true that there's no accounting for taste, you shouldn't really expect the billion people who like something to care all that much about the "you" who doesn't. You shouldn't also presume that the people who like it lack objectivity just because they don't see the same flaws you do or weigh them on the same scale. Otherwise, yeah, I expect you would be basically wasting your time in the end.
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