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Old 2012-11-30, 22:58   Link #31258
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by chronotrig View Post
Let's look at it this way, though. Most people are fairly sure that Yasu-culprit was Ryuukishi's intended answer. But the majority of people also seem less than satisfied with all the motives for Yasu that have been raised so far.

I've got a question then: why are we so sure that Yasu is the killer on the gameboard? I don't say that to imply that there's no good reason, but because I want to be specific. Is there anything that happens on the board that proves Yasu killed those people, or is our certainty only based on things that happened off the gameboard, in the Core Arcs, or in the Ryuukishi interviews?
My presumption is that people take Will's answers in Requiem at face value, and those answers happen to heavily endorse that culprit theory. Of course, there are a fair number of problems with taking Will entirely at face value:
  • Will is giving Clair the answers that satisfy her. Are we absolutely certain the answers that satisfy her are the same as the answers that Ryukishi intended? We know Will would be willing to invent a solution that is "wrong" yet "right" for the person he's talking to. Not out of deception, but compassion and empathy. Why couldn't Will be concocting a "Shkanon dun all of 'em, here's how" solution just to satisfy some desire on the part of the author to be genuinely understood... as a scapegoat?
  • Will spends an awful long time early in ep7 harping on the importance of motive. What motive does he give in his "solutions?" ...None, really. Why not? Will is smart enough to come up with a motive, surely. He simply never actually gets asked for the motive. At no point does it appear that anybody wants him to provide a motive. And he's nice enough not to do so when asked... but surely he must be aware that his explanations ring somewhat hollow without a clear and satisfactory motive for the board killer? We don't even get a good motive out of the flashback sequences. The story goes out of its way to tell us how important motive is then doesn't give us one.
  • Will's solutions are not the only possible ones for the episodes. Most notably, there are a couple additional ways to maybe solve Banquet, and God only knows what happened in Alliance (which is largely ignored in Will's solutions anyway). As some of the recent Kyrie mental gymnastics has shown, it's not unimaginable to come up with an excuse that would get somebody else in as a potential culprit for Legend and Turn. I'd think a "true solution" would automatically make all other possibilities seem trite, but at least in the case of Banquet there are compelling reasons to argue that the killer is different from the first two games.
Taking all of this into account, it's understandable why people might assume it's what Ryukishi intended and I suppose it's possible to use these arguments to suggest otherwise. Having said that, I don't know what the point would be of lying/misleading in interviews except to be a huge dick, so I'm inclined to think those were the solutions he intended... at the time of ep7, at least.
Redaction of the Golden Witch
I submit that a murder was committed in 1996.
This murder was a "copycat" crime inspired by our tales of 1986.
This story is a redacted confession.

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