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Old 2012-12-03, 17:35   Link #133
Master of Coin
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan View Post
My two cents in this is that no one, and I mean NO ONE, should have ever made business with the PRC after what happened in 1989 at Tiananmen Square. The Tiananmen incidents should have been the last straw and the perfect excuse for everyone to cut all diplomatic and business ties with PRC as much as everything was shut down with the Apartheid oppressing blacks in the 1970s... the perfect proof that nothing is gained from doing business with such government until the prople overthrow it by all means.

The West might have created a monster, but I wouldn't mind stopping global trade in the sense that the PRC can still be isolated while business is done elsewhere. Follow the German model (where most things are not made in China at all over there) and everything should be fine.

By the way, screw Stephen Harper for selling those oil fields to China! This piece of trash should be beaten to oblivion for what he did to Canada.
Armed suppression = complete international isolation?

Then the world has to cut ties to

Korea (SOUTH)

And that is just top of my head a list of countries that used the army to crush internal opposition. Tell me which one of those are "Isolated"

The west is just sour grapes because

1) China since then turned it self around from a fail state to superpower.

2) America installed and backed the wrong murderous dictator and failed.
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