Thread: Licensed Girls und Panzer
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Old 2012-12-04, 02:53   Link #2088
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Originally Posted by Panzerklein View Post
BTW, there is 90% that is the entire Oorai teams will be save by the Oorai's star - Tiger P, 10% is Panzer IV will rush out and make a kamikaze ram (despite they won't get Kamikaze medal for that) to the flag T-34 just like T-34 used to ram the German tanks in history . Just wait.
While each school can add/reduce the number of team/tank freely for each round , I don't think they can send in a new tank in the middle of battle.

Even If they can , Pravda will also can replace a new tank (I'm sure their school has more than 15 tanks) for each tank that get destroyed, and Oarai will be ruin.

So, I think Miho will have to do it with current tanks. I believe Oarai will learn their lesson and come up with some plans. Especially, when they know their school will be shutdown if they lose. The feeling to fight for their school will be strong.!

However, even Lelouch and Yagami Light will have a hard time trying to figue out the way to get out from this situation. I guess we will have to wait and see Miho plan next week.
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