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Old 2012-12-04, 23:58   Link #102
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Originally Posted by wontaek View Post
Yeah Mozart. Do you know how hard his father trained him? Have you studied how his music evolved and matured through what expert usually divides as 3 stages of his musical development? How much time he put into the exercise of improvisation? Also that the central component of music in that time was theme and development, which means lots of work. Sure Mozart did compose things out of habit, but the real memorable ones, those that made lasting marks are ones which you can trace its elements for years. Many of his later works are refined version of his earlier composition. Also if you have the time, listen to how his symphony evolves. Do pay special attention to his symphony number 8, 17, 25, 29, 35, 38, 40, and 41. You will be amazed at how his music progressively sound mature. Genius do have something in them that most other people don't have. It still takes years of practice for the genius to bring out what's in them for the world to observe.

"You know that I immerse myself in music, so to speak—that I think about it all day long—that I like experimenting—studying—reflecting."

Think also about this. It took Beethoven 4 years to make his 5th symphony, but you can find some traces of its elements in works 10 or more years before that was completed.

Great works of art almost never is something that happens spontaneously. Invariably there is a long history of development leading up to it.
What you said are all correct. The same can be said for Mashiro, she was immersed by the art world. She didn't have to care for anything else but painting and art. And of course she spent a great amount of effort to get recognized as a world-class artist.

But, the same can be said for any other good (not genius) artists, if you want to excel at anything, you need tremedous amount of effort and a bit of luck. I am just not going to make it as something only geniuses do. I am just saying that hard-working is just a natural part of the process.

I would say a genius and a good artist would work equally hard, the different is however, always the results. What make a genius's works better than a good artist's work then?

However, that is not the point I'm trying to make. please let me put it another way. Assuming the same scenario again, Sorata asked Mashiro what she did previously, Mashiro answred "I painted" 3 times. After that, if Sorata asked her "Was it fun?", what do think Mashiro's answer would be? I'm interested in that answer, so to speak

Last edited by Zavie; 2012-12-05 at 00:52.
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