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Old 2012-12-06, 04:00   Link #312
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: InterWebs
One thing I noticed after trying an episode of gg's JoJo: Take note that I don't really think it's a mistake or anything, but to me personally the stylistic translation they adopt doesn't really work well for me because I can understand what the characters are saying in Japanese, so my brain spent an extra effort in linking how to connect what's on the sub and what's spoken mostly because I'm not very familiar with the archaic English style used there. In the case of anime, the reason I watch subs is like why I watch English movies with English subs: to pick up on things I might've missed on the fly and not as a primary mean to understand what's going on. This improvised styling probably works better when working on a manga or a novel where you can't readily see/hear the original at the same time, or on games and VNs where you can take your time reading what's written and what's spoken (like in Neptunia where they take a very liberal approach, or in Agarest where they take Epic/Classic English literature style).
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