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Old 2012-12-06, 17:56   Link #58
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
There is a drastic problem in the equation: Touka probably doesn't have an offer like this without conditions, which probably include a deadline.
Basically, if Rikka is left unchecked, her behaviour would not only be a problem for her mother, but Touka as well, as she would have to choose between her career or taking care of her sister yet again.

Whereas she could handle it for 2 years, it isn't like she can take care of Rikka forever, and Yuuta realizes as well that Rikka will not only restrain herself from moving on, leading to disastrous result past after she goes through school, but it will have a similar impact on the persons who care for her.

Whereas Rikka isn't at fault or doing "on purpose", she is still being a problem for people around her, which lead to a lose/lose situation. Past the fun time it can lead to, Rikka's chuunibyou is still only a measure that keep "something in check", but does -not- resolve the problem.
And I really doubt Rikka's chuuni is her true self either: it is probably part of her personality due to how it was rampant for such long period, but it would be foolish to think a non chuuni Rikka is not the "real Rikka" either, as she already showed glimpse of being normal at several occasions, notably when she got quite intimate with Yuuta (during the summer vacations, and the confession notably).
I can't see that facing reality would mean to admonish/erase her personality, but rather put it back to the actual environnment she is in, which can be a balance of the two. And that's for her own sake, not for just being socially apt.

Whereas Yuuta's intervention may not be the best in an objective sense, it was actually necessary to do something, the sooner the better. And it obviously wasn't an attempt to -force- her to do X or Y, but to make her realize that her act should stay an act, and not a permanent facade.

Really, I see no point in blaming any character in the lot: Yuuta and Touka intentions are commendable and reasonable, while Rikka still has the matter to handle on her own as well.
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