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Old 2012-12-08, 04:02   Link #30
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
Of the people that would be in a Starfleet uniform...of the known TOS characters, there are basically two people it could be that would have powers. Gary Mitchell, or Garth of Izar (though in TOS he had only learned shape shifting really).

An random outside though a friend of my had to day was Charlie Evens ("Charlie X").

Gary Seven's job was to make sure humanity survived its nuclear era and such things.

We are trying to write off Kahn as he didn't particularly have power...he was just a "superman" so to speak. Genetically enhanced.

But whoever this is can either shrug off a Vulcan Neck Pinch, or it doesn't work on him at all. That almost screams Godlike powers Gary Mitchell.

The blonde could be either Elizabeth Dehner (fits with Mitchell's story) or Carol Marcus (who, oddly enough also fit with Mitchell's the little blonde he sent Kirk's way). Though I can't remember if Carol Marcus was in Starfleet in those days, or if she was always outside Starfleet. Dehner was definately Starfleet and serving on Enterprise in the second pilot.

The hand on glass scene we came up with a few things. One the probably Spock is on the outside of the glass, not the inside. Thus if they wanted to play a prequel or different variant of the Star Trek II death scene, they have options (aside from the main villain character which is also possible if it is Gary Mitchell...the scene he gets powers might have them think he's dead or something).

Option One: Kirk dies (that would be different, and mirror the old version prefectly).

Option Two: Pike, and his hard dose of Delta Radiation...leaving him in the chair by films end. This would "foreshadow" Spock's death in the Wrath of Kahn even if that never happens in this timeline.

Option Three (from above): Mitchell "dies".
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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