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Old 2012-12-08, 11:53   Link #239
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Then that is a fatally flawed assumption. People judge the actions and decisions of others every day. Just look at the debates that frequently take off here on Anime Suki about some of the more controversial anime characters. Heck, just look at the debate surrounding Rita on this thread. Are you not judging her actions? Are you respecting her right to make her own decisions about how to live her life, free from your judgement, as well as the judgement of others?

When a person makes a decision that will inevitably impact other people, it is basic human nature for people to hold opinions on that person's decision. It is inevitable, and it is intrinsic to who we are as human beings.
I figured you might resort to this type of trickery like "aha! caught you there!". No. Someone is allowed to make choices on how to use their own talents and gifts in their own life. But because each person has that control of their own destiny, they have to respect each other people's right to that own control. If someone takes actions that seem to infringe on someone else's right to control their own destiny, of course I'm going to judge that, because the base is "I'm the only one who can control my own life". This is the same reason I'm against all sorts of recognized crimes too. This is not a "do not judge anyone ever" stance; you judge actions based on how they infringe on other's people's freedom to make their own choices. And it's the actions taken (not the probably-good intentions down there somewhere) that I'm judging.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Saying that no one has the right to question Shiina's decision is essentially saying that no one has a right to voice a disagreeing opinion on Shiina's decision. And that runs completely contrary to the very concept of Freedom of Expression. In actual fact, people in your country and mine have a legal right to question whatever decision they want to question.
Oh she (and you) can say whatever she damn well pleases. Do you really think I have the authority to forbid her from saying what she wants? (Particularly in this show, lol.) Of course not. I'm expressing my own opinion, after all. "Freedom of Expression" is a right enshrined by law in many countries. But, as you pointed out, you're not free from the consequences of that expression either. I think Mashiro has the right, for example, to shut the door in her face. I think Mashiro has the right to consider her a busybody, and to think that she's a hypocrite who maybe should get her own life in order first. And I think the consequence of Rita's actions, unless adjusted, could threaten the friendship with Mashiro that she almost certainly wants to have continue. This is all, again, completely aside the issue of whether Mashiro might consider taking up painting again, or any legitimate concerns Rita may understandably have about her well-being. I think her choosing to express herself in this current way is counter-productive and destructive to their relationship so probably not in Rita's own best interest. This is exactly why I've been saying all along that Rita's methods are misguided; I think the show has already acknowledged this, and will resolve it in the next episode.

Anyway, if that still isn't enough to clarify, then I guess that's it.
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