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Old 2012-12-11, 16:33   Link #61
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Originally Posted by Dauerlutscher View Post
Of course Shiina is to blame about that poor poor Rita could not handle the reality that someone is better thant her.
I never have the impression of Rita hating on Mashiro for the fact that she is better than her in Fine Art. I think the core problem is that Mashiro's talent did make Rita's love or even hard work for art suffer. If someone is better than you, so be it. But if that someone being better than you and make the surrounding to turn against you, that would be a very different story. And yes, it is very hard to take that in.

I'm not talking about Rita and Mashiro now, but just take this as example. Me and another guy taking a lesson together. I'm doing good on the subject but that other guy does even way better, if not the best. If it's just that, then I won't have a problem with him. But then, you get the comparison talk from the teacher about you and him, saying hurtful stuff that you are inferior to him, and even telling you to give up. And that coming from someone you probably has been respecting half of your life. The pressure would be tremendous you know, and it would be even harder if the guy in question is a nice and kind in general that you cannot outright hate. It would be even harder if that guy is my best friend, it's not the most pretty feeling to have I know, but I believe we all have it, accepting that is hard.

For Rita to endure the hardship of being compared to genius, having no ally to share her love and passion on the subject, not even having someone to hate, to vent her frustration on for 10 years, it is truly kindness and passion of her for both Mashiro and Fine Art imo.

So yeah, it's totally not like you said. Rita doesn't hate Mashiro because she is better than her. It is because Mashiro bring better has made her suffer for a very long period of time. She was struggling to choose between her pasion and the dearest friend she has.

I still think she is feeling guilty as hell for teaching Mashiro manga and making stray away from Fine Art just because of some ugly moment in her life. I'm glad that she still stand strong at the end of this episode regarding her opinion for Mashiro though.
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