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Old 2012-12-11, 22:28   Link #1155
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: USA
Great episode. A few things of note.

Ugo's head is apparently still on the moon or wherever they were looking down at the Earth in the beginning. Since his body is separate, does it mean he cannot die since his head will be okay?

Also, Judal mentions that Ugo is using someone or something else's Magoi. That potentially could be a more powerful source than the current Magi we have seen. Since Aladdin and Ugo are friends, I can understand that Ugo does not "belong" to Aladdin. Still, the question now is, where is the Ugo's Magoi coming from? Could it be the source of all Magoi? Or is there an even stronger Magi lost somewhere in the world?

The thieves who stole Sinbad's Vessels are still around in the episode. That usually is a good indicator that Sinbad will get them back soon, and we will finally get to see Sinbad in full power mode. I can't wait for that.

A final note. It seems that a Magi can have multiple king candidates, and Judal is collecting them. As he is trying to recruit Sinbad, that probably means that Sinbad does not have a Magi he follows yet. Could this mean that he will eventually become Aladdin's king candidate as well? Also, I wonder if they will make Morgianna a king candidate as well? She would need to conquer a dungeon herself at some point.

Just some food for thought.
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