Thread: Licensed Tamako Market
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Old 2012-12-12, 23:21   Link #232
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
Having a giant talking bird descend on your life is not exactly "usual"; it at least provides a different perspective on a life that might otherwise be ordinary. It stands to reason that this will be the catalyst for some rather unusual circumstances. That doesn't mean you will be interested, of course.

Originally Posted by Pocari_Sweat View Post
I think that notion was already thrown out after the character designs and the various PVs (seriously, "derp" faces everywhere ), you know straight away this isn't going to be for an "everyday" audience despite what people say. Nothing wrong with aiming for a specific audience but don't go pretending something you aren't.
What do character designs and "'derp' faces" have to do with the potential appeal of the show across demographics? Was K-On (featuring the same character designs) not also a show that had wide appeal across many demographics? I'm not sure that I even understand the premise of the statement. I don't even know if they're "pretending" to be anything given how little we actually know about the show beyond the basic premise and some character designs.

(There's something bizarrely "hipster" about this whole "eh, KyoAni? They could be cool, but their recent shows are pretty lame. Wake me up when they stop doing the popular stuff they're good at that sells and do something interesting." How did this become a thing? )
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